You are what you eat

“You are what you eat” is a common saying that refers to the fact that what we consume makes us who we are, from the inside out.

During the spiritual journey, we begin to recognize that consumption is about much more than food. It's about everything we ingest.

Never Full…

Our skin is always absorbing what is in its environment and its seeps into our bloodstream. Our subconscious mind is always watching, listening and recording. Based on these two aspects alone we are unaware just how much we are consuming every second of everyday.

 The work of reprogramming yourself and doing away with old habits and evolving the lifestyle you were born into, what you consume becomes a focal point in your daily routine.

Breaking Traditions

Our traditional understanding is that food is a very significant component of our existence on Earth and for our survival. Many families bond and connect through food. Food holds a big space in the hearts of us all for whatever reason and purpose that it serves.

Though food is important and we aim to have the best, we have been lead through miseducation and being deep in the microwave, tv dinner, fast food generation that food has lots it true nutritional value and junk food has become a staple in many households.

On a holistic path you start to change the way you eat, becoming more mindful of the foods that you choose and why you consume them.

Learning the importance of eating living foods such as fruits and vegetables, things that have color and that are technically still alive when you partake of them. The goal is to consume things that actually feed your Body, Mind and Spirit and not just fill you up.


Mass Media Takeover

Media has been a blessing and a curse in recent times. It is a source of news and allows all of humanity to connect with one another.

With that accessibility comes an abundance of nonsense, we can find ourselves scrolling aimlessly for hours. Getting caught up in the lifestyles and drama of the rich and famous.

Media whether it is basic television to social media or the many streaming services, we are being pushed to give our free time away and have the focus that we should be putting into ourselves gets put on the backburner.

Media is a tool and can be used for personal growth so being mindful of what media you consume and how long you consume it. It is very possible to have to much of a good thing.

Nature vs Nuture

Our environment plays one of the biggest roles in our life. It is what we see everyday and its what we interact with daily. This shapes how we view and respond to the world around us.

That being said our environment is made up through societal views so whenever we show up we are taking on the views and standards of society. So when interacting with those in your environment most times we are speaking to people under heavy conditioning.

Conditioning in other words is the mental programming that shapes humanity so that there is a standard or idealized look to how humans should operate. Our parents are the ones who help to integrate the conditioning, their job essentially is to help us blend into society.

Lifestyle Upgrade

Although I am an advocate for a healthy, holistic lifestyle, as a Spiritual Advisor I do understand that change looks different for everyone. I enjoy junk food, watching reality shows, and binge-watching Netflix shows. However, I still make the necessary overall changes that allow for healthy growth and the shedding of old habits and traditions that do not nourish my spirit.

Small changes over time are the way to go. Make a list of what you want your life to look like and highlight the things you consume that might be holding you back from achieving that reality.

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